
Friday, November 19, 2010

I Like It Mossy

My toes are tapping, I want to be transported to NYC,
I want to briskly walk It's sidewalks too in the crisp autumn air. Experience a flock of birds suddenly bursting into flight, and hear shop gates rattle open. And gosh darn, I even fancy a warm woolen gray skirt and black tights to boot.

Just watch this opening scene from "You've Got Mail"
and listen to the sweet tune from the band, The Cranberries.

Wanna go to NYC?

Back to earth now. To my little existence here in the woods. I frequently say this line from the movie. In the scene where George is leaving work to hurry home and light some incense for a hot date he has that night.

He says, sensuously, "I like it mmmossy".

I say it every time I hike the hills and hollers. Just ask the head hillbilly.

Because, the moss, is everyyyyyywhere.

Moss above you, hanging from tree branches.

Moss beside you, clinging to tree trunks, growing ferns.

Moss that grows on rocks.

Moss below you, underfoot.

And pocket moss. Don't leave home without it.

I like it..... mmmmmmossy.


Unknown said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds moss so cool. I used to think it was only found in cooler climates or on the north side of tree but since I moved to Florida I see it everywhere. Nice photos.

panthercreekcottage said...

I guess I never thought of Florida having a lot of moss. But then you have the everglades, so that makes sense. Thanks for visiting Rees.