
Friday, February 10, 2012

Wine & Chocolate= LOVE

Lest it be wine & cheese, then I'm truly smitten! It's not a difficult task for the Head Hillbilly these days to woo his lover, now that our little town of Carlton has become a wine country destination not but a few short miles from our cottage. Valentines BE BIG here folks!

So many choices, what is a cottage woman to do? I'm reminded to pick just one or two wineries to sample. Not sticking to this rule inevitably robs one's recollection of why one purchased that phenomenal wine to begin with. I like knowing when I see that bottle in the pantry that I remember why it made my heart go pitter pat in the first place. Go figure ;)

Savoring the memory of a particular wine and imagining it paired with a lovely complimentary meal is part of the joy of the whole wine tasting experience. Even if the meal be merely a few simple ingredients I adore like bread, cheese or choc-o-late.

Zenas is a regular stopping place for me. Could be that special half off tasting invite I get via email for their special events like this one. So frugal, So me!

Lots of love to you, be it a little weird and a tad bit hillbilly, but always genuine and lots of it!

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