
Saturday, September 1, 2007

Composting Revisted

i'm so happy to hear that some of you were inspired to begin composting to create your own nutrient rich soil, uppening the earth and improving the soil food web. In my prior composting blog I realized that there might be questions how to contain all the makings. My pile is usually quite large, but when a full year has passed you will be amazed how much it has reduced in size. I create 3 bays using 12 bales of straw. I can rotate between the three, using some compost from a completed pile to boost one in process of layering. The straw bales usually last a couple of years even with all our rain, the twine keeps it all neatly intact. When a bale starts to decompose, I will remove the twine, feed the straw back into the pile or use as a wonderful mulch for the garden. I will then replace a new straw bale in the bay. Works great for me. I know alot of folks build wood and or wire framed compost bins and there are plastic barrel types on the market as well. It just seems the straw bales have the extra bonus of being a soil builder themselves. I'm sure other random thoughts of composting will pop into my head. I haven't heard anyone say "Enough already!!!

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Monday, September 3, 2007 - Untitled Comment

Posted by TheWedhornFamily (IP Not Logged)
You have a wonderful farm life.I wish I had a life like that.I enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing your pictures.Have a great day:)
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Saturday, September 8, 2007 - Smelly compost?

Posted by findingcontentment (IP Not Logged)

I recently started reading Ali's blog, which in turn led me to yours. Wonderful job so far! I think I will be able to learn a lot from you.

I did have a question about composting. Although we have a very large lot/yard, we do live in the city. Would starting a compost pile run our neighbors away? Do they smell? I hope that's not too dumb of a question!

Barb J.

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