
Monday, October 1, 2007

Panther Creek Potluck

I love this sign that was posted on our street a few weeks in advance to a get together for family and friends of the "Creek". The hosts supplied hamburgers and hotdogs aplenty cooked over an open fire pit on a cast iron setup I envied. It was fun to see how it was operated, and my hotdog, yum, a nice black crispy line down the center. Lotsa mustard and onions of course. Seems these get togethers don't happen with much regularity these days and it was a pleasure to catch up and see how children have grown. One young lady a year older than my oldest daughter shared about her homesteading and the particular difficulties in their 2 years of working a 75 acre farm. The fencing, coyotes and the endless repairs and maintenance of an old home and barn. And loving it I might add. She had previously completed college and is also a "door lawyer" she stated. " What is that?" we asked, and she replied "What ever comes through the door!" It was suggested that maybe next year we would try to miss opening of hunting season as some of the menfolk were un accounted for. Per Oregon weather the sprinkles did come, but some lovely old trees made a comfy refuge. A fine day!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007 - Untitled Comment

Posted by TheWedhornFamily
Just leaving you a smile:)
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