
Friday, January 21, 2011

First Impressions

I don't know what to think about first impressions. I think folk can easily be misjudged by those standards. Is it the one who stands out in speech, manner and dress that would be deemed worthy company? Or the less impressive one, the one you barely noticed?

The thing about the one you barely noticed....

They make you look closer, deeper, like a treasure waiting to be found. And if you don't pay attention, you may miss out entirely.

That person may be the one who truly motivates and inspires you as they share about their life.

Like the times they toed in and dug their way through tough obstacles in life. And how those times taught them and made them the person they are today

That person is probably completely unaware they slipped up on making a good first impression.

But they might be just the one that makes your life richer.

From The Trail.


sufolks said...

So very true. I try not to judge right away, but to wait and get to know the person. First impressions are very often wrong impressions.
Window On The Prairie

C-ingspots said...

I like your thoughts about this. I've found out that I'm really not very good at first impressions - more often than not, I'm wrong about people, and they're usually deserving of a closer look. Nothing less than what we'd want for ourselves.