
Monday, April 11, 2011

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Yeah, Grilled Cheese. I thought a Grilled Cheese Sandwich segued naturally from the topic of my last sermon, er I mean post 8). C'mon, Abe and Grilled Cheese just go together. No? Well then School Cafeterias and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, now there you go :).

It is the official putting away of the big cast iron soup pot season. And I was thinking that the official bringing out of the big cast iron soup pot is just as satisfying as the putting away. With a lot more outdoor chores springing up like new spring weeds I find very little motivation to spending time in the kitchen. I know that stirring a kettle of simmering jam, minding a whistling canner of green beans and such will begin soon enough so I find myself leaning to quicker, lighter meals that don't make me want to curl up sloth like on the sofa afterward. A Grilled Cheese sandwich is perfect for those evenings.

I made quite a few of these last year as the head hillbilly can attest. With some slivers of green bell pepper, sweet red pepper and fresh picked basil melted into sharp cheddar cheese, Woodoggie!

Oops, that was sharp cheddar right? Not Processed American Singles? I fear my Citizenship may be at stake, my loyalty questioned. I did fancy a certain Sir too. If you don't hear from me, I went underground.

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