
Friday, August 26, 2011

Leaving Me Lonely

I remember all to well when we were in the thick of two consecutive remodels the twinge of jealousy and frustration at seeing the lush and bountiful gardens on my favorite blogs. Seriously, the busier I stayed sanding priming and painting woodwork, the little time it left me for perusing all the virtual gardens that left me feeling lonely for one small red tomato to call my own.

As I have been enjoying a beautiful vegetable garden this summer those thoughts are long behind me now. It occurred to me though that there just might be folks out there experiencing my circumstance of being temporarily gardenless. But looky here, I've got a plan for you. A few things to do while your expecting. Next years garden that is!

In anticipation of a fruitful and healthy garden for next year, build or manage your compost system. I hope the following posts will energize you. Composting. Composting Revisited.

Bare ground is a no-no. Don't abandon your garden completely but try this composting in place method to keep weeds and unwanted vegetation at bay. Layer with newspaper (carbon) and top with grass clippings (nitrogen).

Gather all the leaves you can and stockpile them. Spread them on your garden in fall for a lovely earth enriching mulch. I toss on a few limbs too so my precious leaf mulch (it's what I yearn fer) doesn't up and blow away in windy weather.

Plant garlic for next years harvest and opt for growing a green manure crop as a living mulch to draw nutrients deep into the soil.

Get a jump start on next years plant selection. Seeds are usually discounted for clearance in the fall. Pick up a bunch of packets and check out my post on Wintersowing.

I hope your to do list keeps you busy and full of hope for a stunning garden in 2012!

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